Colon Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy
with Nilda Rodriguez (FL #MA93694, #MM44866)
Whether you have a current health condition or just looking to feel more energy & vitality, periodic colon cleansing may be right for you.
Under the care and direction of a licensed therapist, we administer the closed system method which means everything is comfortably contained in sanitary tubes and hoses. This safe, clean, odor free, and sterile process infuses warm, filtered water to soften old debris and facilitate elimination through hydration. The therapist will provide a gentle abdominal massage to assist in the elimination of waste from the body. Our meeting may also include diet/nutrition information to meet your special goals and needs.
The procedure is also referred to by many names including Colonics, Colon Hydrotherapy, Colon Irrigation, High Colonic, Enema, Colon Cleanse, and Colon Cleansing.
You may also schedule an appointment with Nilda by calling (561) 593-4419 OR email us HERE.
SATURDAY appointments available.