Acupuncture | Energy Healing
Acupuncture with a Licensed Acupuncture Physician
[Not currently accepting New Patients – Stay Tuned for Updates]
The World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health recognize the use of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for the treatment of multiple and varied health concerns. This dynamic and integrated health care system activates the natural, self-healing abilities of your body.
Acupuncture strengthens the immune system, increases blood flow and antibody levels, and stimulates endorphins (natural pain killers). Acupuncture is safe, natural, drug-free, effective, and the perfect way to get well and stay healthy.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you with chronic and acute conditions including anxiety, depression, insomnia, back pain, high blood pressure, migraines, indigestion, menopausal issues, and so much more. Our acupuncturists are also specially trained in working with patients seeking acupuncture for addction & mental health issues.
Our Acupuncture Physician also specializes in Auricular (Ear Seeds & Needles) Therapy, B12 Injections, Glutathione Injections, and Homeopathic Injections.
Schedule a session by contacting us HERE.
Energy / Healing Touch with Kathy Rule, CHTP
Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy. Gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Healing Touch works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care.
The Benefits of Healing Touch:
Reducing stress
Calming anxiety, depression
Decreasing pain
Strengthening the immune system
Enhancing recovery from surgery
Complementary care for neck and back problems
Balancing the human energy system
Deepening spiritual connections
Creating a sense of well-being
Easing acute and chronic conditions
Schedule a session with Kathy Rule by calling (561)513-9313 or contacting us HERE.